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Ginny (Virginia) Shiller is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New Haven and an assistant clinical professor at the Yale Child Study Center. She is the author of the 2017 book “The Attachment Bond: Affectional Ties across the Lifespan,” which reviews the extensive field of attachment research.

Ginny first became interested in attachment research in the 1970’s, when she chose to use the Strange Situation Procedure (a new assessment procedure at that time) in her Master’s Degree research. She looked at the correlation between facial expressions of emotion during the separation episodes and attachment categories, finding that a broadly-defined insecure-resistant group more frequently showed facial episodes of “distress.” Anger was the predominant facial expression of emotion.

While in her practice she treats a broad range of ages and difficulties, Ginny has had particular interest in working with adopted children and their families. In 2011 her paper “Latency-aged children with attachment disturbances:  A conjoint treatment model” was published in The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.

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